Illustration and Visual Storytelling
Extensive illustration for this beautiful book by Insel Verlag of Suhrkamp. The travelog of the author through the world of taste, his own childhood and his personal narrative resemble my own approach to storytelling. A wonderful team in visuals and writing.
Author: Walter Mayer
Illustration: Alexandra Klobouk
Available at ︎ Suhrkamp Verlag or your local bookshop
Brot - auf der Suche nach dem Duft des Lebens
Extensive illustration for this beautiful book by Insel Verlag of Suhrkamp. The travelog of the author through the world of taste, his own childhood and his personal narrative resemble my own approach to storytelling. A wonderful team in visuals and writing.
Author: Walter Mayer
Illustration: Alexandra Klobouk
Available at ︎ Suhrkamp Verlag or your local bookshop
Studio Alexandra Klobouk
Lausitzerstr. 10
10999 Berlin