Awarded by Stiftung Buchkunst as one of
the most beautiful German Books 2013

Concept, Research, Storytelling, Illustration
Der Islam für Kinder
und Erwachsene
An introduction to Islam for everyone.
The authors Lamya Kaddor und Rabeya Müller provide a youngful and unorthodox perspective on this global religion. They explain the fundamentals - from the Koran and the life of Mohammad to pilgrimage and Sharia - but also contraversial topics such as fundamentalism or the position of women. In doing so, they introduce non-Muslims with all the important facets of Islam, while at the same time giving young (and certainly older) Muslims a fresh look at their own religion.
Autors: Lamya Kaddor and Rabeya Müller
Storytelling and Illustration: Alexandra Klobouk
Available at ︎ C. H. Beck and your local bookstore

The book provides in depth knowledg and diverse points of view on controversial questions and contextualizes the Koran in its historic epoch, enabling the readers to debate and find their own point of view. My illustrations and storytelling involve profound research, bridging the knowledge gap between Muslim and non-Muslim readers. They shed light on impressive insights, navigating the narrow path between respect and wit. And they establish closeness by narrating relatable and warm everyday stories of Muslim life. Stories of people. Strangers, neighbors, colleagues, friends.

Press Reviews:
“Pure delight. Especially when it is so richly adorned and magnificently illustrated.” Deutschlandradio Kultur
“Pure delight. Especially when it is so richly adorned and magnificently illustrated.” Deutschlandradio Kultur

"Immensely enriching are the artful and humorous illustrations by Berliner Alexandra Klobouk."
Reutlinger Generalanzeiger
"A gain not only for children." Süddeutsche Zeitung
Reutlinger Generalanzeiger
"A gain not only for children." Süddeutsche Zeitung
Studio Alexandra Klobouk
Lausitzerstr. 10
10999 Berlin