I am Alexandra Klobouk - artist, illustrator, author, storyteller

I am a storyteller, my tools are text and illustration. Sometimes performance or the combination of both. Depending on the content and context I´m a journalist, a translator, an agitator or seducor.

As everything we do is profoundly political so is my work. It´s on the side of those who want to bring people together and increase exchange and understanding.
Driven by curiousity and an admiration of people and their diverse ways of being in this world.
In my work I like to merges genres, combining storytelling, journalism, intercultural communication, travel sketching, music and various other disciplines.
My styles are as diverse as are my projects, it´s my approach that the rote Faden.
As artist and person I deeply believe in the power and neccesity of exchange and understanding. 
Music is a language that works beyond borders and
Singing and laughing is what brings people together. It´s plain and true.

Her books have been awarded most beautiful German books several times and were published by various publishers as Suhrkamp, Insel Verlag, C.H. Beck, Antje Kunstmann, Onkel&Onkel and Viel&Mehr.

She weekly illustrates the Christian Seiler Kolumne for DER KURIER, Magazines such as Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, ZEITMagazin, Merian, Das Magazin of Zurich Tagesanzeiger, Daimler, Telekom, Berliner Festspiele, United Nations, WashUnited.
Cooperating with Goethe-Institut in cultural and political innitiatives.

I´m a member of the advisory board and illustrator of the October Conversations on Schloß Gartow.



Seminar on Visual Storytelling at (Bauhaus) Hochschule Dessau
Lissabon - for Deutsche Schule
Tel Aviv - for Future Forum
Moskau - for Goethe Institut
Perm - for Goethe Institut
Volkach - for Deutsche Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendbuchliteratur e.V.
Oldenburg - Jade Universität

Cooperations and Clients

UN for the COOP
Berliner Festspiele 
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
City of Munich
Future Forum 
Deutscher Bundestag
Mehr Demokratie.eV.
Viel&Mehr Verlag

Ongoing Cooperations for the projects Bildkorrektur, Picture Politics and my own work.

Selfiinitiated project agains Xenophobia including 14 renowed illustrators as Jim Avignon, Barbara Yelin, Jens Harder, Mawil, etc.

City of Munich for poster campain against xenophobia

Future Forum -
on the future of German-Israeli relations in Berlin and Tel Aviv

Advisory Board of The October Conversations at Schloß Gartow

Günter Grass Haus Lübeck

The Self and the Other -
Illustrators exchange project between artists from Germany and Bezalel University, Jerusalem - innitiated by Bezalel and Bilderbuchmuseum Troisdorf, supported by DIZF.

Various creative cooperations with Eva Goncalvez / Mariana Veloso / Ricardo Pereira / Rita de Oliveira / Luis Ehlert / Andrea Schulz of FÖRM / Tobias Krejtschi / Jonas Lauströer / Christian Seiler / Zeev Engelmayer, amongst others.

Stuart Murdoch and God Help the Girl

Recent exhibitions

Tel Aviv - The Self and the Other
Oldenburg- Jade Universität
Moskau - for Goethe Institut
Nordheim - for Deutsche Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendbuchliteratur e.V.
Berlin - at Stadt Land Food Festival
Troisdorf - Bilderbuchmuseum for Project The Self and the Other
Zurich - Museum für Gestaltung
Vigo / Ghent / Stralsund / Goteborg / Kolding / Värnamo / Tampere / Hamburg / Zurich / and more
as part of the touring exhibition Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project
Straubing - Gründerzentrum (with Günter Klobouk)
Regensburg - Stadtbibliothek
München - Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Studio Alexandra Klobouk
Lausitzerstr. 10
10999 Berlin
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